Instructions to Authors

 | Post date: 2020/10/10 | 
Instructions for Authors
Geochemistry of ore deposits is published by the Geology department of Lorestan University (postal address: Editorial Office GOD Journal , Department of Geology , Lorestan University,Khorramabad, Lorestan, Postal code: 68151-44316; E-mail
Submission of papers
Please submit manuscripts via the electronic Manuscript Management System on
First time users please register as author, than follow the submission process. Submission of a manuscript to the electronic Manuscript Management System for publication in the GOD is considered binding assurance that this work has not been and will not be published elsewhere in this form and length.
The text (including Title page, abstract, key words, text, acknowledgements, references, tables, figure captions and figures) should be submitted as a file with an unambiguous name (e.g., John -text.doc). The title page contains title, name of authors with first name given in full.
With acceptance and publication of a manuscript the exclusive copyright for every language and country is transferred to the publishers. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article including reprints, microfilm or any other reproduction and translations.
The following instructions apply for the submission of a manuscript. The text should be double-spaced on A4 page size with 2.5 cm margins and 12-point font size (Times New Roman). All lines should be numbered consecutively (not per page). Papers must be in good, grammatically correct English. If your paper cannot be understood, it will be rejected. If English is not your native language, you should seek the assistance of a colleague or professional translator.
The text file should be arranged in the following order:
  • Title
  • Full name(s) and address(es) (including e-mail)
  • Abstract (maximally 350 words, preferably 150-250 words)
  • Keywords (maximally five)
  • Main text
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  • Tables
  • Figure captions
  • Figures
Figures must be of high quality, with lettering and lines easy to read, taking into account that the preferred size of figures in the journal is width 170 mm.  All figures and tables should be cited in the text in the correct order.
Both drawings and photographs are considered as figures and should be numbered as such (Fig.).
Tables should be reducible in print to (a) a width of 80 or 170 mm and a maximum height of 250 mm, or (b) a width of 250 mm and a maximum height of 170 mm. Vertical lines in tables should be avoided. Tables should not be prepared with the table option of Word.
An appendix should contain information that is substantial in length, that is not necessary for the reader to understand the running text, and that would unduly interrupt the running text. As such material is rarely interesting for a large number of readers, the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the reviewers and/or the Editorial Board, can decide that the Appendix (or Appendices) will not be published, but should be replaced by a sentence in the text that the data can be obtained from the corresponding author. If appendices are considered acceptable, each of them should be submitted as an individual file (e.g. John-Appendix-1-doc).
References in the text should be as follows: "... as shown by John (2010, 2015), Pirajno and Bagas, (2002) and Wilson et al (2007); or, alternatively, "... as was found already some years ago (John, 2010, 2015; Pirajno and Bagas, 2002; Wilson et al., 2007).
In the reference list, works of one author should be ordered according to year; if there are also works with co-authors, first the works with one co-author are mentioned, alphabetically and then according to year; in the case of three or more authors, the references should be according to year, then alphabetically. If there are more publications by an author in one year, they should be referred to in both the text and the reference list as a, b, etc.
Examples (note that journal titles are written in full, and that journal and book titles are written in italics):
Drummond, S.E., Ohmoto, H., 1985. Chemical evolution and mineral deposition in boiling hydrothermal systems. Econ. Geol. 80, 126–147.
Ohmoto, H., Rye, R.O., 1979. Isotopes of sulfur and carbon. In: Barnes, H.L. (Ed.), Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits. Wiley, New York, pp. 509–567.
Pirajno, F., 2009. Hydrothermal Processes and Mineral Systems. Springer, Berlin, pp. 1250.
Note: references to material in an ‘exotic’ language or published in a journal (or by a publisher) which is not generally accessible, should be restricted to an absolute minimum. Moreover, unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in GOD reference list.
Each manuscript will, as a rule, be reviewed by two referees. In the case of contradictory advises, additional reviews can be considered by the Editors. If major revision is advised, the revised manuscript may be sent out again for review, in principle to the same reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief decides eventually about acceptance, taking into account the advises of the reviewers.
The reviewers judge about suitability of the manuscript for the journal, scientific quality, compactness and structure of the text, quality and usefulness of the photos and artwork, and the quality of the English language. The review is anonymous.

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